Soft Payroll in just few minutes
Soft Payroll is an excellent tool to automate your payroll process. Solution is extremely user friendly and easy to implement. Solution can easily be integrated with your existing ERP Solution. Soft Payroll is very flexible and easy to configure, and ensures automation of all your payroll policies. Solution comes in ON-PREMISE as well as ON-CLOUD model, with a flexibility to switch from ON-CLOUD to ON-PREMISE or vice versa.
- Guided Payroll Run - The run payroll wizard ensures that you run your payroll in few clicks and will always pay accurate salaries and taxes.
- Auto generate pay slips - Once you confirm payroll, Paybooks notifies and enables pay slip view and download options for all employees in their logins.
- Auto Sync with Biometric Devices - Paybooks will auto sync with your attendance devices and captures attendance, overtime, and leaves in real time for payroll workings.
- Ready Bank Statements - Pay salaries and expense reimbursements to your employees using the ready to upload statements specified by your bank
- Preview reports - Quickly check the salary reports including pay slips and confirm the calculations before confirming the payroll.
- Employee Exit Management - Auto generated settlement reports help you to quickly make final payments to employees when they leave.
Stay compliant with payroll laws
- PROVIDENT FUND - Make accurate PF payments with PF electronic challan cum return (ECR) auto generated from Paybooks
- PROFESSION TAX - PT calculation is supported for all states in India and reports are auto generated for easy payment and filing.
- EMPLYOEE STATE INSURANCE - Ready to file reports help in ESI payments and compliance even for multiple ESI codes.
- INCOME TAX & TDS - Enable tax declarations by employees and make optimal tax deductions and payments. Comply with the filing requirements with ready to upload 24Q statements.
- DIGITALLY SIGNED FORM 16 - Generate digitally signed Form 16 and enable download for employees in their self-service portal for easy personal income tax filing.
- OTHER COMPLIANCE REPORTS - Configure relevant reports for Factories Act and Shops Establishments Act with custom report creator.
Delight your employees with self-service
- Pay Slips & Reports - Your employees will love the anytime, anywhere access to pay slips, salary statements, flexi benefits reports, Form 16 and other useful reports. Data of past years too can be made available for viewing by the employees.
- Better Income Tax Planning - The inbuilt tax planner lists all deductions available in neatly grouped lists to enable employees to be aware of all tax saving avenues and make their declarations. A report on how the tax is computed with various deductions considered helps employees to be in full control on their taxes
- Leave & Expense Management - The interactive app will help employees and managers to collaborate and manage leave and expense claims and approvals better. Employees can track and submit online leave and expense claims and managers get immediate notifications of the same for approvals.
- Complete Employee data - Employees get to view details of their profile including information of their managers, salary hikes, PF and ESI nominations etc and any information which the company maintains like assets given, offer letter, experience letters etc based on the access rights set up by the HR.